It has been a good day in the Kingdom. Can't help but smile! Want to thank you all for your prayers. Please know that they are working!!!
Received a call from J (my sister's oldest son) late yesterday afternoon. J had just spent time with C (my sister) and wanted to give me the latest update. It was good news!!! R (Joey's wife) had cut out my family's picture from a Christmas card they had received. She also has other pictures on C's cork board to help remind C who we are. C is learning to distinguish family from hospital staff.
J said that every time he is with C, he plays the DVD he made for C years ago. It is a slide presentation set to music and so well done. A+ J!!! As the slides past in front of C, J would ask, "Mom, who is that?" Some were of C when she was quite young and she would respond, "That's me." There was one from when they were in Homer, LA, and when Joey asked if she knew who that was, C responded, "C A." For those of you know that was C's Louisiana name when she lived in Homer. No one in Kansas or Wyoming knew Carol by that name. She did get confused a couple of times with photos of her son and with her husband, but overall she did well. Then J showed my sister the picture of my family. He asked her to point to Aunt S. She did!!!!! He then asked her to point to Uncle S...she did~!!!! Then he asked her to point out my three grown children and she was able to do so. He went back to me and asked if she knew who I was. She said, "Yes, she is my blood!"
J went on to say that it is hard to understand how the mind works...meaning that when shown a picture of someone and given a name, that she can point to you but not be able to say...who you are or what relation you are. Although it sounds like it isn't much, trust me, this is progress and we celebrate every milestone C makes.
One thing in talking with C's speech therapist was about Christian music. As I told J, Colorado is not known for its' Bible belt beliefs. However, her therapist was intrigued when I told her about how I had given some friends and C (who were all teachers) instrumental cd's that were Christian music set to symphony music. L, you remember how it impacted your class. C, when she played the music in her reading class, found it worked there, too. The children were not only calmer, more centered and focused. They also not only read better but retained and comprehended what they read. When I told the therapist about this, she was really interested and wanted me to send the cd's right away. They are going to use these in C's therapy sessions. Is God good or what???
I reminded J yesterday that C knows who Jesus is and that she is there NOT by accident. That God has a plan and that people will learn more about Him just by their family being there and seeing how they work through this crisis with the help of prayer of a healing God!
Will keep you posted. I have been sending J pictures, cards, etc. even a prayer shawl from our church for C. J is always thrilled to get the pictures and other treasures. When he was telling me about my family's picture, he said, "Aunt S, there are a lot of people in that picture!" I laughed and said I know! It was just our immediate family but that's what happens when you pray the prayer of Jabez!
Recovery from this viral encephalitis is very slow and the doctors still are not able to say how much or to how long it will take for C to fully recover. Due to the rareness of this occurrence in people, the doctors are not able to gauge what is "normal" or to what extent C will recover. Each person recovers at his/her own pace and in totally individual as to what to long term or permanent recovery looks like. But...we do know that prayer works. C is improving each day and that is due to your prayers. Keep them coming! Be encouraged!!!