Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ten Reasons for Waiting on God

This past Fall was a life-list kind of event in Bible study for me. Would like to say that I love God's timing all the time. However, I tend to agree most times with a comment from a learned Bible study and Precepts Leader. She said, "God is always on time...but He sure misses some great opportunities to show up early!"
One of my life-list desires was to study the book of Isaiah. This past Fall it became a reality when I joined a local BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group. It has been one of the best studies I'd participated in and know that my participation was God's perfect timing in my life. While this study has blessed me in more ways than I can express here, it also challenged me, convicted me and showed me more about the character of God than I knew possible. One thing for me was made clear over and over again was that God loves us more than we could possibly know. I learned that when God's people wait on God - they see God! He is everything that He says He is and does everything that He says He is going to do. It is the character of God that He can not lie.
Waiting is important to God. Did you know that the word "Wait" is in the NIV translation of the Bible over 90 times. My heart pounded as our study approached the 40th chapter of Isaiah. Finally, we were there and the verse that has been one of personal favorites came to life like never before. In the Amplified Bible, Isaiah 40:31-33 says, "But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."
How many of us are stressed, weary and faint? How many of us wonder, "How long, Lord?" How many of us wonder when God is going to move on something that we have been waiting to happen for what seems a "forever" length of time? Here are 10 Top Reasons for Waiting on God.

10. You don't get ahead of God's timing! His ways are perfect!!

9. When you wait on God, your character improves!

8. When you wait on God, your faith grows!

7. When you wait on God, your confidence soars!

6. When you wait on God, you get to see God's provision!

5. When you wait on God, you benefit from prayer - seeking God's will.

4. When you wait on God, you see God answers to prayer.

3. When you wait on God. He gives wings to those plans that match His will.

2. When you wait on God, He sustains you while you wait on Him.

1. When you wait on God, you bless God's heart!

Tired of waiting? Be expectant! Be confident! God's timing is perfect! And, be assured that God does have great plans for you! Read Jeremiah 29:11. Write the two passages mentioned here on index cards and put them in your car, your wallet, tape them to your bathroom mirror. Be blessed as you wait on God!

Since the blog tonight is on waiting...you are going to have to wait on pictures of the recipe I mentioned in last night's blog...Pineapple Congealed Salad. Will have photos of the finished recipe tomorrow as they are being served at our last BSF fellowship and will post recipe and photos tomorrow night. In the meantime, enjoy this recipe. This is a recipe came with me from time in Louisiana. This recipe found its way to vestry dinners, Christmas staff luncheons...special occasions. It is an easy recipe that will ensure rave reviews from your partakers! Here you go!!!

Chicken Crescent Squares

Makes 8 squares

Ingredients include:

3 oz. Cream Cheese

3 Tablespoons butter

2 Cups Cooked Chicken (cubed) (or 2 cans Swanson Chicken Breasts - drained)

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/8 Teaspoon Pepper

2 Tablespoons Milk

1 Tablespoon chopped chives or green onion

1 Tablespoon Chopped Pimento

2-8 oz. Crescent Rolls

1/4 Cup Italian Bread Crumbs

Blend cream cheese and 2 tablespoons of butter. Add next 6 ingredients and mix well. Separate dough into 4 rectangles. Press perforations to make rectangles. Put 1/2 cup mixture on each rectangle. Pull up ends and brush with butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with Spring Green Salad, Cinnamon Spice Blend Sliced Carrots and rolls. For dessert I served Chocolate Amaretto Pie. Yes, you will be seeing that recipe in one of my blogs. It is one of our family's favorite desserts.

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